Saturday, February 27, 2010

Facebook vs. Blogger

So...Facebook got the best of me, and I haven't even thought about blogging since my last post. :/ I feel bad for deserting Blog Spot for however many months now, but i guess a break was good... So this year I don't think I'm going to be in softball, My friends want me to and think I should, but i will be able to go out for golf next year and I was thinking maybe I should work on my golf swing instead of getting all confused next year on the course. I did that one year, did golf and softball in the same summer, never again. It was one of the two, either too high on my golf swing, or too low on my softball swing. It's still in debate, but I think i've made up my mind. So, anyway, I might not be back on Blogger any time soon, but don't think lowly of me, I'll still be writing about my thoughts, just on Facebook instead. :) So ttfn! ;)

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Volleyball started as of Thursday! I love volleyball! It's so much fun! hmmmm...i wonder what my number will be??? Maybe thts what we will do Monday practice...? I will keep the updates on that. Anyway, our first game is against Tripoli in a few weeks!! I'm so excited I actually get to play my best friend! I thougth it would never happen!! lol. So wish us luck on the start to what I believe will be the best year ever! :)

Monday, August 10, 2009


Camp was amazing!!!!!!!!!! Our speaker was awesome too!!! Today is cleaning and packing day for vacation at the cabins in Minnesota!!!!!! Last year I got over my fear of weeds in the lake...can I get over it again this year??? Thats the question!......Can't wait for school to start, I'm kinda getting bored with, I never thought I would say that! Ecspecially, (sp), at the end of last year!!!!...

Monday, June 29, 2009

VBS practice is going great! I love my character to death, and we have come so far! Our VBS is going to be great!...(and not only the drama! ;)) Last day of softball is tomorrow! It's been rough, but I'm sort of sad to see it go! Next up is volleyball in the fall!! Woo Hoo!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Let's Play Ball!!!

Today softball started! I love my coaches! Even though the assistent coach had to be at a doctor's appointment for her baby...(she's pregnant)...I know her because she helped our teacher with math team last year, and she's cool. Our head coach's name is Coach Davis, but we call her Coach Dizzle, is awsome too! She is strict and works us hard, but that's what pushes us to be our best! Our first game is June 6th, so wish us luck!! ;)

Monday, May 18, 2009


I called my post sorry because I am really sorry that I havn't blogged in FOREVER! But here I am now, and I've got a lot of catching up to do! Let's see, where do I start?.....

1. Just this past weekend we threw a surprise birthday party for my bff, and it was awsome! There were about ten girls there including me, and we all waited in her room for her to come home from grocery shopping with her dad. When we heard her car pull into the driveway, we all ran upstairs and hid into her room, hushed. When she walked inside, her mom (jokingly) yelled at her to go shut of her bedroom light because she "had left it on". Then, when she got to her room, we all jumped out and yelled surprise! I wouldn't be surprised if she was still shaking at this very moment! It was hilarious how frightened she was when she saw us! Haha! ;)

2. Softball starts this Thursday!!!!!!! I'm so excited because I love the coaches we get, and softball is my favorite sport to play!....aside from volleyball...;) The funny thing about softball this year is that all the games we have are start at 10:00am! Maybe it is just me, but it has never been that way before in my history of softball, I geuss it is the Jr. High....

3. School gets out in 8 days, May 29, and I am sooooooooo ready for summer!

4. This is probably the thing I am most excited for; for VBS at church, we always have skits every day with about three main characters, and I am one of the main characters!!!! My name is Sami, and I am a real girly-girl who is prissy and only cares about her looks and self!!!!!.....I geuss I'm not that stuck-up, but it'll be fun to portray and be that type of person for a little while!